
The importance of transferable skills for a successful engineering career

Khaled Ahmed is an 新萄新京十大正规网站准新萄新京十大正规网站 和 a Data Science Engineer for 新萄新京十大正规网站 Partner Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems (UK). 下面, 到目前为止,他分享了他的工程之旅, highlighting the benefits of seeking out work experience 和 developing soft skills.


My motivation to become an engineer came after enrolling for an 新萄新京十大正规网站-accredited computing engineering degree at London South Bank University. This is when I realised that an engineering career is not just about fixing stuff; it is more about innovation 和 enterprise, 组计划, 和 building effective 沟通 strategies to become a good leader in any field regardless. This realisation inspired me to pursue a career in engineering.


我的工程生涯相当冒险. Most of the engineering work 和 projects I am part of on a daily basis involve extensive Data Engineering, 机器学习工程, 与数据科学, 这需要良好的规划, 时间管理, 和 effective 沟通 beyond the technical aspects of their nature.

My current role is a perfect reflection of the interpersonal skills I developed during my university degree, that I now apply on a regular basis in order to perform my tasks 和 communicate the results to my team, 利益相关者, 以及更广泛的业务.


One of the biggest successes in my career was successfully securing a year-long placement as a data science intern with my current employer after the second year of my undergraduate degree, 他们通常会选择硕士候选人.

Throughout my career so far, I have prioritised Continuous Professional Development (CPD). I explored learning resources 和 training opportunities outside my course materials to bridge the technical capability gaps 和 was hired immediately for an associate level role following my graduation.

In my current role, I now directly supervise two interns who are pursuing their master’s degrees. I assist them with support 和 advice to apply the skills they have learnt during their degree 和 placement year at the business where we work. This both refreshes my memory on various topics 和 plays a vital role in developing myself 和 others.


我于2019年以国际学生的身份来到英国. 我在工作文化方面有很多差距, 语言的限制, 沟通, 演讲, 等等.......

To become employable here meant I had to bridge all those gaps at the same time as my studies, 这很有挑战性. 为了克服这一点, 除了大学小组项目和任务, I worked in many roles that are not directly related to my area of study, 但这给了我高度可转移的人际交往能力, 比如交流, 团队合作, 管理等等.


I am part of the analytical team responsible for analysing data for the UK’s first-ever digital freight service, 被称为iWagon, a joined-up approach by VTG 和 Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems (UK) Ltd. My work involves predictive modelling of wagon activities based on data collected from devices 和 sensors installed on the wagons.

另外, 我专注于地理空间分析, creating interactive plots 和 maps that showcase the hotspots of various wagon activities such as wheel slide, 轮扁, 锁轴, 等. 这个项目是我的骄傲, being part of the UK’s revolutionary digital freight initiative.

Do you have any advice for those looking for their first role in engineering 和 technology?

My main advice would be to invest your time with passion 和 dedication if you want to pursue a career in engineering. 它可能不会立即带来回报, but if you stick to it 和 gain relevant experience from internships, 配售, 工作经验, 即使只是短期的, 你最终会找到你应得的位置.

也, do not shy away from any work experience outside your area of studies, as it might help you build soft skills that are transferable 和 fundamental for graduate 和 entry-level roles, 和, 最重要的是, 帮助你自力更生.

整体, invest your time 和 efforts in personal 和 professional development, 在任何领域的职业生涯中,哪一点是至关重要的.


I enjoyed my 新萄新京十大正规网站-accredited engineering degree at London South Bank University. It was structured based on the criteria 和 st和ards set by the 新萄新京十大正规网站. 各种评估方法的混合, 企业模块, 设计, 集团项目, 和创新, 还有技术模块, 这个学位的核心重点是什么. This kind of preparation helped me become job-ready both for my placement 和 postgraduate career.

我喜欢新萄新京十大正规网站寄给我的E+T杂志, which is interesting with all the latest updates on everything happening around Engineering 和 Technology all over the world, 尤其是在英国和欧洲.


The future is enriched with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 和 Data Analytics. Engineering these cutting-edge areas will become more challenging 和 vital.

My main goal is to keep up with my continuous professional development in these areas to grow professionally 和 help the business I am working for achieve their digitisation goals. 这将使英国的铁路行业更加灵活, 可伸缩的, 可预测的, 和, 最重要的是, profound with advanced 和 easily interpretable analytics for both passengers 和 customers.


I would like to express my gratitude to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 for establishing an industry-st和ard course curriculum for my degree, which helped me develop many soft skills 和 allowed me to participate in real-life 设计 projects. These projects made a difference in the lives of people 和 some communities, which would have been impossible with only the technical module.

Thanks for allowing me to make a real impact through engineering a better world 和 society.